
“Be . . given to hospitality.” Romans 12:13 NKJV. Hospitality begins with the room you make in your heart and life for others. My wife, Gayle, has a gift in abundance – the gift of hospitality. She is the consummate hostess. What she does, she does because of her personal […]

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Unfamiliar Paths

“Along unfamiliar paths I will guide them.” Isaiah 42:16 NIV. God is not the author of your confusion; God is the Answer. Life is not predictable. No matter how long you’ve lived or how much you’ve experienced, you have not seen everything there is to see or been everywhere there […]

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The Process of Progress

“We . . are being transformed . . with ever increasing glory.” 2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV. Real changes are deliberate and progressive rather than immediate. Since our first grandchildren, Gayle has stubbornly perpetuated an annual day when each child’s height is measured, marked, and dated on the same piece of […]

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Good Is Intentional

“God anointed Jesus . . who went about doing good and healing.”Acts 10:38 NKJV. One healing touch can disrupt a continuing cycle of hurts. Every person possesses the power to choose how they will live. Some people just never get around to choosing or don’t realize they should. Many people […]

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“Forgiving each other, just as . . God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32 NIV. Forgiveness occurs only when you release the offense and offender to God. Your innocence does not preclude the possibility of another’s offense. Life will have plenty of wrongs and hurts. When those occur and they will, what […]

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