Joyful Praises

“Shout joyful praises to God . . tell the world how glorious He is.” Psalm 66:2 NLT. Life is best described in the vocabulary of praise. My thoughts and comments today are about “joyful praises.” In every life, there is more for which to be grateful and joyful than you […]

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Recognition and Opportunities

“You were loyal with small things. I will let you care for greater things.” Matthew 25:23 NCV. Greater responsibilities require achievements worthy of recognition. My thoughts and comments today are about “recognition and opportunities.” People seem to think they should start at the top. You might hope for the big […]

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“In all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound.” 2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV. Sufficiency is more about access to ample resources than possession of assets. My thoughts and comments today are about “sufficiency.” Most people are not trying to acquire and accumulate as much stuff […]

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“Paul got up and went back into the city.” Acts 14:20 NIV. Resilient people are irresistibly joyful and ultimately successful. My thoughts and comments today are about, “resilience.” In life, it is not what happens to you that’s so damaging; it’s what happens in you. There will be people who […]

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Disciplines of the Spirit

“God’s discipline is always right and good for us.” Hebrews 12:11 NLT. A lack of discipline results in a comparable lack of accomplishment. My thoughts and comments today are about, “disciplines of the Spirit.” I still have much to learn, but I am grateful for the discipline I received from […]

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