Real Wealth

“God . . gives you the ability to produce wealth.” Deuteronomy 8:18

Who you are says a lot more about success than what you have.”

My thoughts today are about “real wealth.”

The conventional wisdom says, “Nothing succeeds like success.” But what does that mean? Is wealth all about how much you have? It is too easy to confuse success with excess. Is “the Donald” the classic standard of success?

True wealth rarely comes with a dollar sign. Wealth is having enough and some to share – along with contentment, family and friends nearby, meaningful employment, good health, a satisfaction that you are making a difference, and most of all, an inner assurance about eternity. God gave Joshua the key to such success, that by knowing and obeying the Word of God you will “have success wherever you go . . . prosper and succeed in whatever you do.” See Joshua 1.

There was a time in my life when I assumed that success in ministry was having the largest church attendance, and the admiration and respect (dare I say jealousy?) of other pastors. It was somewhat painful when God allowed disappointments to expose my false and carnal measurements of success, purifying my heart and selfish motives.

I have found that true success is humbly being what God created you to be, and simply doing what He intended you to do. Who you are says a lot more about success, than what you have. Contrary to popular opinion, in the game of life the one who dies with the most toys does not win. There is one final proof you have succeeded. The final determination of your success is when Jesus welcomes you home, “Well done, good and faithful servant . . come and share your Master’s happiness.” Matthew 25:21 NIV. Jesus said a man was a fool and a failure who had not prepared himself for eternity, though he had gained great wealth in his lifetime. Read Luke 12:15-21 NKJV.

There are two results in life: to succeed or to fail. The first is very possible; the latter can be predictable. Success has both risk and reward. Jesus told the story of three men. Through diligence, but with risk, two succeeded beyond their hopes. Another, who feared the risk of failing, and never tried. Matthew 25:14-30 NIV.

If you are afraid to fail you will not try, and your life will stay safe but small and unrewarding. If you are courageous and at least try, yes, you might fail. But you just may succeed! The worst thing is not that you try and fail; it is if you do not try. Then you have already failed and cannot succeed. I think the secret is simply this: keep your “eyes on Jesus . . on whom our faith depends from start to finish.” Hebrews 12:1-2 NLT.

My prayer for you today is that you will succeed in God’s eyes, and enjoy His applause.