An Eloquent Life

“I try to find common ground . . so I might bring them to Christ.” 1 Corinthians 9.22 NLT

“Seeing an example is better than hearing an explanation.”

My thoughts today are about “an eloquent life.”

There is a growing distance between today’s increasingly secular culture and the counter-culture of Christianity, and the moral and spiritual values of a personal faith. This spiritual chasm presents a challenging dilemma to the church and individual Christians. The obvious need for the honest sharing of one’s faith has never been greater. The culture has gone from being culturally Christian, to passively non-Christian, to progressively anti-Christian in a very few generations.

At the same time of this growing need, you might become more shy about sharing your faith, if you have a perception that your faith would not be well received. What are the reasons you might assume that? Today’s generation does not seem to have had the same family background of “growing up in church,” as their grandparents probably did. As church involvement has been devalued as only marginally important, a practical, Biblical faith is also assumed unimportant.

You and I may take Biblical truths for granted that are foreign to those without any church background as a child or adult. They may be assumed unfamiliar with the language and concepts of faith, not regard the relevance or authority of the Bible, or fail to realize the need for a clear, spiritual faith.  All of that may be true, which only underscores their need for a Savior!

The danger is that you might be hesitant to share your faith with others due to their apparent lack of knowledge about spiritual matters, your assumption of their cultural animosity toward religion, their intellectual snobbery toward faith, or your own fear of their rejection. Neither of those reasons are justifications for failing to be sensitive to God-appointed opportunities to share thoughtfully every person’s common need for a Savior. Inside every heart there is some deep-seated awareness of the need for a real faith. This was Paul’s goal, “I try to find common ground with everyone so that I might bring them to Christ.” 1 Corinthians 9:22 NLT.

However nervous you may be to do so, the clear direction of Scripture is that you are to be a witness of Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit to tell others of God’s love and forgiveness through Jesus’ death for all sins. That was Jesus’ final command before He returned to the Father, His last words to His disciples. Read Acts 1:8-9 NLT.

Peter gave a practical “how to” for sharing Jesus, “You must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if you are asked about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it . . in a gentle and respectful way.” 1 Peter 3:15 NLT.  Seeing an example is better than hearing an explanation. How you live everyday is your most convincing witness. Let your life speak of Jesus; if necessary, use words! The Lord asks for your willingness to share your love for God through your personal testimony of His place in your life. You need a readiness to see opportunities of interest and inquiry, and a preparedness to share your personal testimony of faith.

My prayer for you today is that your life speaks more eloquently than words.