How Life Works Best

“Jesus appeared again to His disciples by the sea.” John 21:1 NKJV

Enough is not enough when abundance is available.

My thoughts today are about “how life works best.”

A lot of people try to live their lives on their own terms – by their own knowledge and cleverness, with their meager resources, according to their own plan. Putting it simply, that is not the way life works best for you. You can do it, but you will not get the results you are expecting. You were never meant to. Working harder won’t make the wrong things happen any better.

The disciples in today’s verse were seasoned fishermen, experienced and previously successful. They knew Galilee’s waters well, but on this occasion they used all their professional experience and skills, with absolutely no success; in fact, it was dismal failure. There was no lack of ability, no absence of effort – but on this night they fished “and caught nothing.” John 21:3.

Have you ever felt that way? I have. You have a great plan; inventory your resources; involve others, and pour yourself into the work. Yet when daybreak comes, you have only tired bodies and empty nets to show for it all. It’s just puzzling and often disheartening. Remember these truths.

(1) Jesus is interested in your success (vs.5)in your personal life, in your health and physical well being, in your relationships, in your marriage and family, and in your career and finances – but not on your terms. See Judges 6:2 NKJV. Why would He find any pleasure in your struggles and failures? The Bible says, “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” 3 John 2 NKJV. Also see Joshua 1:8. God has too much invested in you to want to see you fail.

(2) Jesus reveals Himself when you tire of trying life on your own. (vs. 1/4-7)As long as you think you can ‘do life’ without help, God will let you try it your way until you are just too tired to do that anymore. He isn’t hiding nor withdrawn while you struggle, you are just too distracted and busy with your own plans to see Him waiting there. What might have seemed to work before may not be working for you now. Paul learned that, when he could not find relief or release from his “thorn in the flesh.” Read 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 NIV. Finally, he found sufficiency and strength in Jesus, not in himself.

(3) Jesus gives success that is abundant, not marginal. When they followed Jesus’ directions, “they were unable to haul in the net because of the large number of fish.” (vs.6) Enough is not enough when abundance is available. Sometimes you have to look at your life and ask yourself if it is working for you. Maybe outwardly things seem fine, but inside your life may feel hollow and pointless. If you will listen to Jesus in your heart, life can be better. John 10:10.

(4) Jesus provides what you were always looking for, provision now and purpose forever. (vs. 9-13) He will always have ‘bread and fish’ upon the fire with an invitation waiting for you. Everything is all about His plans for your greatest success and fulfillment in life. You find that doing what you were created and called to do – loving God and serving others – is when life works best. (vs.15-17).

My prayer for you today is to not ever settle for anything less than God’s highest and best.