Life Begets Life

“Each according to its kind.” Genesis 1:24 NKJV

“You produce what you are, not something else.”

My thoughts today are that “life begets life.”

There are some principles by which the Bible says life works. In the principle of sowing and reaping, you reap more than you sow“sow sparingly and you reap sparingly; sow bountifully and you reap bountifully.” 2 Corinthians 9:6. Any crop failure is your responsibility alone. Additionally, it is true that you also reap what you sow“a man reaps what he sows . . sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” Galatians 6:7-10 NIV. You do not receive something different than what you sow, but exactly what you sow. The size and kind of harvest you reap is always governed by the amount and kind of seed that you sow.

At creation, God established this principle, and it has remained true ever since. (Read Genesis 1:11-25 NIV) Ten different times in those brief verses you will read that the unique effect of everything God created was to “produce . . according to their kinds.” God established a built in quality control. That was to be true of the seed bearing plants and trees, the birds and creatures of the sea, and the livestock and wild animals – reproducing, “each according to its kind.” It is as it always has been; life begets life!

That’s still true in life. You can only reproduce what you are, not something else. That’s why what you are is so important to God. Those who are forgiving are forgiven. (See Ephesians 4:32). Those who are merciful receive mercy. (Matthew 5:7). Treat others as you would desire to be treated. (Luke 6:31 NIV). Are you getting the picture? Like begets like; life begets life.

You are an example, and others can be an example to you. Therefore, be very mindful of the example you are to others, and be careful about whose example you follow. Whoever and whatever you admire is what you will aspire to be like; choose wisely. You need not be surprised by the predictable outcome. As parents and friends – as Christ-followers – those who see and admire Christ in you will desire to know Him better; live wisely. See Matthew 5:16 NIV. Let the life in you inspire that life in them. “We did this . . in order to make ourselves an example for you to follow.” 2 Thessalonians 3:9 NIV.

Here is wise advice from God’s Word: “Remember those . . who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct.” Hebrews 13:7 MKJV. You need to have someone like that in your life; you can be someone like that in the lives of others – full of life and filling the lives of others with a harvest of goodness and Godliness.

My prayer for you today is: be intent on what goes into your life and sure of what results.