Someone There for You

“It is better to trust in the Lord than to depend on man.” Psalm 118:8 Today’s English Version

“In trusting, you discover many things about your self, and much about your God.”

My thoughts today are about  “someone there for you.”

Do you ever feel ambivalent about being dependent? To know there is someone that is there for you really does feel good, someone you can depend on – available, committed, and caring when you need them. Yet it is also feels good to be independent, capable and assured, equal to every task and challenge. But the latter isn’t really possible all the time, is it?

Yet isn’t that what every parent is teaching their child from the earliest beginning – to grow up to think independently, to not follow the crowd, to know their own mind, to stand on their own two feet, to make their own decisions? Every parent encourages a growing independence.

You can hardly wait until your child takes their first step, and then wonder why, when you can’t keep the toddler out of all the places they shouldn’t be. Parents thrill at the first word and the child’s newfound ability to express themselves, long before the child learns what to say or not say, or when and to whom it should be said.

The reality is that none of us are ever fully independent. You can never be rich enough, smart enough, self-sufficient enough, or tough enough to never need anyone else. Everyone relies upon the kindness and assistance that others supply. Everyone is really interdependent, even when you would rather not be or insist that you are not. We need one another. There is mutuality to life that cannot be ignored. When you learn to be there for others, you will find others there for you. I think the Bible calls that sowing and reaping. Luke 6:31 NIV.

But you must realize that there will be times when people may not be able to be there for you in the way you most need them to be, usually because they are unaware or physically unable to be. Occasionally someone, for reasons known or unknown, may no longer choose to be. You will feel desperate at the first and discouraged at the second.

But in exactly those times you will also discover something about your self, and something about your God. You will find that you are stronger than you thought you were when the times and circumstances demand it, more resilient, more determined, and more capable. And you will realize that God is nearer than you imagined, more caring than you knew, greater than you had experienced, and as faithful as He has eternally been. The Bible doesn’t say that you should not depend upon man; it says that it is “better to trust in the Lord!” God is always there for you.

Here is how God described Himself to Moses; “The Lord God is merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin.” Exodus 34:5-7 NKJV. You will never find God to be otherwise!

People try to be there for you when you need them, as much as they can and know how to be. And your family, and others of your friends, will try to be there for you. But when others cannot, there is One who will never fail to be there. See Psalm 27:9-11/13-14 NIV. He gave His life for you, and has prepared an eternal place for you for one reason, “. . that you may also be where I am.” John 14:3 NIV. And you can be with your God who is there for you, now and eternally. 1 Thessalonians. 4:13-18 NLT.

My prayer for you today is to put your complete trust in God at all times.