Never Alone

“With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

“God is there with you to face whatever needs to be faced, even when you feel afraid.”

My thoughts today are about “never alone.”

It was after dark a couple years ago when McKinnley, our youngest grandson, came to my desk where I was writing my devotional. It was late and an unusually dark night. I could tell he was apprehensive. I hugged him and finally discovered he had left his basketball outside earlier. A bit sheepishly he said, “I’m afraid to go out there alone.” I’ve felt like that before, haven’t you? I’ve often needed the support of a loving wife and family, the company of a lot of  friends along the way, the counsel of some tireless mentors, and a lot of God’s time and personal attention. I can’t imagine life without them. I would not have made it on my own; I would not want to have tried.

When I asked why he felt afraid, he thought he heard something the night before that “sounded like a wolf.” Was I reluctant to go outside with him? No. (But I hoped he was wrong about the wolf!) I am not braver with wolves than that little boy, not really; I just knew something that he didn’t know. He didn’t need to know about wolves or a pep talk about being afraid. He just needed to feel my hand holding his and know I was there to face whatever needed to be faced.

So I went outside with him, and with no further hesitation he got his ball. Not being alone in what he perceived to be scary gave him the courage he needed to do what he wanted to do. He didn’t need a discussion about there being no wolves in this area of the country, or my shaming him into acting braver than he felt. He just needed someone he trusted – bigger than he felt, knowing more than he knew – to be with him. I think you and I feel like that little boy a lot of times. No one likes to feel alone even in good times, but especially in times that feel frightening and uncertain.

The good news is that you need not be alone, and the one who is with you is the God with whom “all things are possible.” Your fears can make you forget that sometimes. It is easy for circumstances and their resultant emotions to make you overlook the God who is near, and forget that He is omnipotent – all powerful! He will be brave for you when you do not feel brave.

My grandson wanted someone to be there when he had to go somewhere he didn’t want to go, and to help him face what he didn’t feel strong enough to face. Ever felt like that? I have. But I have learned that no one needs to be alone, especially when they feel afraid.

He was looking for someone that loved him enough to let nothing harm him – whatever might be out there in the dark. See Luke 10:19 NKJV. When you face the unknown and the prospects feel frightening, you also have Someone and He promises, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Read the next verse, “Therefore we can boldly say, ‘The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid.'” Hebrews 13.6.

Confidence is not the product of your circumstance, favorable or otherwise; real confidence is the product of knowing that Jesus is always with you. And because of Him, everything will be all right. “Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for You are with me.” Psalm 23.5. See Psalm 118.6-9.

My prayer for you is to never try to face life on your own, nor face fears alone.