Holding Fast

“Hold firmly to the true words I taught you, as the example to follow.” 2 Timothy 1:13 TEV “Everyone accepts something or someone as an authority, even if it is only themselves.” My thoughts today are about “holding fast.” There are some things you just should not let go of. […]

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Listen Well

“Consider carefully how you listen.” Luke 8:18 NIV “Listening is an art to be practiced, and a skill worth perfecting.” My thoughts today are to “listen well.” You learned to talk in the early months of your life, but for many of us it was quite a lot of years […]

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Debt Free!

“Jesus canceled . . the charges against us . . nailing it to His cross.” Colossians 2:12 NLT “You inherited a debt from others and quickly added to it on your own, but can now be debt free!” Debt is a terrible thing. Debt places a weight upon daily life […]

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A Great Life

“Come, follow Me.” Matthew 4:19 NIV “You can make a good living, or let Jesus show you how to make a great life!” Occasionally life offers you an opportunity that can change the rest of your life. That often happens at a time and in a way that you would […]

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Winning Ways

“Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” James 1:19 NIV “Your opportunities and level of achievement in life depend upon the good will of others.” One of the earliest signs for the later success of the youngest child is the guideline you learned in Kindergarten: […]

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